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Editor's Note



Three Poems
by Rob Plath

How to Communicate w/the Dead

tip the watering can 
over the hydrangea

observe blackbirds dipping 
their beaks into earth

follow the brushstrokes
of spring clouds 

clip fresh mint leaves
& brew tea

sit still, wordless 

listen to the blood 
ticking in yr wrists

Clouds of Mercy

i sat all day w/the black beetles of madness climbing what’s left of my

i sat all day w/my frayed, swiss cheese self-esteem, fingering the holes 

i sat all day w/my suicide snickering from my cuticles & whispering grab
the big kitchen knife, boy 

i sat all day w/my demons wagging their forked tongues like terrible,
drooling pendulums, hissing drink up, motherfucker

i sat all day w/my lobotomized boyhood, bemoaning the unspliceable wires 

i sat all day w/the skeleton of god, running a cup back & forth over the
ribcage, begging for just one of my unanswered prayers

until i went to the window & gazed at the immaculate clouds backlit by
the spring moon, bright bouquets of benevolence

my friend Moose

i pull into the driveway
& open the door
& the landlord's big black dog
happily sticks his head in the car
he then leads me up to the gate
w/not just his tag wagging
but his entire backside
i scratch his ears & he leans into me
at a 45 degree angle w/all his weight
there are so many creatures
that deserve love in this world
humans the least of them

Rob Plath has been published all over the place.  His most noted collection of poetry is A Bellyful of Anarchy (Epic Rites Press 2009).  You can find out more about his art, photography and writing at www.robplath.com  Rob lives in New York with his cat and tries his best to stay out of trouble.  

Copyright 2014, © Rob Plath. This work is protected under the U.S. copyright laws. It may not be reproduced, reprinted, reused, or altered without the expressed written permission of the author.