Happy Little Washday Song Pipe tobacco, toilet water, floor wax, Sometimes I sniffed the Rinso granules the debris of my parents’ lives. a matter of subject and object. I held a spoon of ice cream to his tongue. Pipe tobacco, toilet water, floor wax, Toilet water, hard to believe those who made me are granules Hard to believe their flesh is no longer flesh, to believe people tapped feet my father is smoking “that damn pipe,” in one paradise or another they’ll speak now only through my tongue, hard to believe they’re gone, to believe |
The Pillars of Cappadocia The guidebooks call them fairy chimneys |
Fine Print My eyes no longer let me read fine print. |
Barbara F. Lefcowitz has published eight collections of poetry; the most recent is PHOTO, BOMB, RED CHAIR. She has also published short fiction, individual poems, and essays in more than 500 journals and received writing fellowships and prizes from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others. Presently she is working on a non-fiction book about the human eye as well as another poetry collection. Also a visual artist, she lives in Bethesda, Maryland. |
Copyright 2005, Barbara F. Lefcowitz. This work is protected under the U.S. copyright laws. It may not be reproduced, reprinted, reused, or altered without the expressed written permission of the author. |